David Dubyne | Our Curious World with Kristian Lander #19 Adapt 2030

Our guest for Our Curious World is David DuByne founder of the Adapt 2030 channel on YouTube and Oilseed crops. Living in Taiwan and is a worldwide speaker. We explore a fair reaching varied conversation. With the challenges now facing world agriculture as the solar minimum cycle effects climate. David brings a level of experience and expertise with science. Discussing the acts of governments and corporations desperate for resources. Food scarcity. Primary Water. What the professionals and experts are talking about 2023 and beyond. Tapping into revelations regarding the EU Defence Union moving into Africa, we talk China and the relations in the far east. Social credit scoring.  Vertical farming for food production. Solutions and being food sufficient.

Our Curious World. An audio and video podcast. There’s something to be said for genuine conversation. Interested in a broad variety of topics, broadcasting is my way to explore them. Always learning. Join me to watch and listen to a fascinating discussion today.



Matt Arnold | Our Curious World with Kristian Lander #18

Matt Arnold is my guest for Our Curious World. “If you want to know the Creator, understand created things” – Columbanus. Teacher, Lay Pioneer minister, Mentalist with a developed professional interest in mineralogy and chemistry. We talk interfaith conversation, deliverance and exorcism, community orchard, Godzilla and more.

Our Curious World. An audio and video podcast. There’s something to be said for genuine conversation. Interested in a broad variety of topics, broadcasting is my way to explore them. Always learning. Join me to watch and listen to a fascinating discussion today. Kristian.

You can watch the Video podcast on Youtube
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Matt Arnold –

God of Green Hope – www.godofgreenhope.com

Our Curious World – http://www.kristianlander.com/category/our-curious-world/


Notes available – available as a video and an audio podcast – Search and subscribe to “Our Curious World” in your favourite podcast app
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Loui Jay Coleman – Digital Immortality

Loui Jay Coleman is the guest for Our Curious World with Kristian Lander. Talking Digital Immortality. The possibility and effects of uploading a human brain into a digital form. Living beyond death digitally! The influence of Black Mirror. Loui has written extensively on the effects on society, industry, technology, identity and sexuality. Dangers and potential. Space exploration. We explore a conversation.

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Speaking with Sharon A Hill – “Being scientifical.”



Sharon A Hill is the guest for Our Curious World with Kristian Lander. Independent researcher in anomalies, paranormal topics and popular culture, pseudoscience and society; licensed geologist; author of Scientifical Americans (McFarland, 2017); podcaster, writer and speaker. We explore a conversation.


You can listen on your favourite podcast app or listen in web browser – iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spreaker, Podbean, iHeartRadio, TuneIN and many more – search “Our Curious World“.




What is Our Curious World?

Our Curious World is an audio and video podcast. Found on my homesite of KristianLander.com There’s something to be said for genuine conversation. Being interested in a broad variety of topics, broadcasting is my way to explore them. Always learning. Join me to watch and listen to a fascinating discussion today. Influenced by The Joe Rogan Experience and the late Art Bell. One to one conversations, informal and relaxed so we can get behind a story and the motivations as well.





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Watch and listen to Our Curious World with Kristian Lander on Youtube

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Be rational with confidence

There is much to say about the role of skepticism and rational thinking especially in the realm of the paranormal – much has been said already.  So we won’t discuss that here other than to say if we believe everything we are told and take everything at face value the rabbit hole you would find yourself in would be vast and in-orderable. I do enjoy exploring the rabbit hole, hence the radio show title “Rabbit Hole That Is Reality” making clear explanation of what is verifiable, true and what is speculation and ponderings.

Hayley, not that she knows (until now) gave me food for thought and added confidence. As some of my own journey mirrors what directions she has took. I too once believed in the paranormal, part of an investigation team doing the usual fallacies. Figure in hindsight it was as I hungered for information and assimilated much. I do not “want” to a ghost buster as it were, like Egon or Ray more curiousity, as to alleged experiences others were having. Seeing unexplained reports and cases since quite young, I wanted in. It is when you start to look at why do we do this? What does this actually tell us? and my personal favourite – Why are we sitting around in the dark?

Concerns over inexperienced people taking their “belief” about aspects of the paranormal into other peoples homes. Further raised 10-fold when a member of the “team” I was engaging with in 2007, was in court on charges of hebephilia towards a young teenage boy.

There were so many rich sources of knowledge, alleged gurus providing insight and demonstrating facets to learn. What I learned over time was “the art of the con”.

Finding others who also questioned what others accepted at blind faith, gave me greater confidence to ask further questions. Hayley was one the first I encountered personally who I was able speak to on White Noise Paranormal Radio in 2007-2009 during an interview by Jason Day. Have never looked back, I still have a hands on anthropological sense to approach the paranormal subjects that hold an interest. As like Victorian machines to “see” how they work from the inside out to deeper understand them.

Tuesday evening dashing from a press media review of Tom Midnight Gardenal at the theatre I hightailed across city over to Castle Rock Canalhouse to catch Hayley mid-presentation at the Skeptics in the pub meeting.

During the break, we both ticked off a box off the facebook finally-we-met list.

Please visit Hayleys Stevens blog Hayleyisaghost.co.uk
Hayley I would consider a skeptical activist, campaigning, speaking for and blogging on not just approaches to paranormal investigation. Taking a rational approach to many topics such as holistic medicine, mediumship and indeed monster hunting!

Hayley also co-presents with Michael Marshall the Be Reasonable podcast. Listen also to the “Be Reasonable” podcast on iTunes (and other podcast outlets) produced by Merseyside Skeptics Society.


If aliens really are coming here. Where might they be coming from? We look at our 10 celestial neighbours.

If aliens are coming to earth as theorists believe and our ancient texts and histories tell us.
Where might they be coming from? We look at our 10 neighbouring celestial stars

There is much to suggest we may have been visited by extra-terrestrials in the past and many who claim we are still being visited today. If alien beings are really making trips from across the vastness of space to visit our pale blue dot, the third planet in the Sol system, where might it be they are coming from? We take a look at our solar celestial neighbours in wonder.

A light-year is the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year – in a single second light travels 186,282 miles. Which means light travels 5,878,625,373,183.608 miles in a year.

1 Proxima Centauri
The closest star to our own solar system will not always be closest, but it will be a long time before that happens. Proxima Centauri is the third star in the Alpha Centauri star system, also known as Alpha Centauri C.
Distance: 4.2 Light years

Proxima centauri

Proxima Centuri

2. Rigil Kentaurus
The second closest star is well, a tie between the sister stars of Proxima Centauri. Alpha Centauri A and B make up the other two stars of the triple star system Alpha Centauri.
Distance: 4.3 Light years

rigil kenataurus

Rigil kenataurus

3. Barnard’s Star
A faint red dwarf star, discovered in 1916 by E. E. Barnard, recent efforts to discover planets around Barnard’s Star have failed. Distance: 5.9 LY

Distance: 5.9 Light years

4. Wolf 359
Known to many as the location of the famous battle on Star Trek the Next generation, Wolf 359 is a red dwarf. It is so small that if it were to replace our sun, an observer on Earth would need a telescope to see it clearly.

Distance: 7.7 Light years

Wolf 359

Wolf 359

5. Lalande 21185
While it is the fifth closest star to our own sun, Lalande 21185 is too faint to be seen with the naked eye.

Distance: 8.26 Light years

Lalande 21185

Lalande 21185

6. Luyten 726-8A and B
Discovered by Willem Jacob Luyten (1899-1994), both Luyten 726-8A 726-8B are red dwarfs and too faint to be seen with the naked eye, when looking to the sky.

Distance: 8.73 Light years

7. Sirius A and B
Sirius, also known as the Dog Star and the guiding star, is the brightest star in the sky. Sirius B, the companion, has received considerable attention itself, since it is the first white dwarf with a spectrum to show a gravitational red shift as predicted by the general theory of relativity. And in recent months it has been discovered to have a third in the star system-Sirius C.

Distance: 8.6 Light years

Sirius A and B

Sirius A and B

Dogon tool, a ancient Orrery

Dogon tool, a ancient Orrery

8. Ross 154
Ross 154 appears to be a flare star, which means that it can increase its brightness by a factor of 10 or more before reverting to its normal state.

Distance: 9.693 Light years

9. Ross 248
While it is now the ninth closest star to our solar system, around the year 38000AD, the red dwarf Ross 248 will take the place of Proxima Centauri as the closest star to us.

Distance: 10.32 Light years

10. Epsilon Eridani
Eridani is our tenth nearest star, and the closest star known to have a planet, Epsilon Eridani B. It is the third closest star that is viewable without a telescope.

Distance 10.5 Light years

Voices from beyond the veil. Edison, Raudive, Jürgenson and Spiricom.

voices from beyond

Talking to the dead, voices from beyond the veil. Is it really possible to hear the spoken words of the deceased? We look in brief at Edison, delve into early EVPs, research of Konstantin Raudive, Telephone calls from the dead and the history of Spiricom. In the redeux of Sounds from the veil from Beyond The Line Issue 4.

Looking back through the history books

Edison with his phonograph

Edison with his phonograph

Thomas Edison during his life saw a need for technology to connect to the other side. Spiritualism was growing and then when the science community were also looking with curious eyes – looking to develop a means by which spirits might try to contact us. Depending on who you read and who you talk to, he strove to make contact through some sort of phonograph device in the mid 1890s. Then, in the late 1920s, he tried to make contact with the souls of the departed by means of some sort of special chemical equipment. It is claimed that spirit voices were first captured on phonograph records in the year 1938, which was seven years after he left his mortal coil.

There’s an app for that – iPhone, Android and Ubuntu devices to come with software to talk to the other side! Only £19.99. Speak to your ancestors today!

Whilst not a reality, imagine if that were true? In our early podcasts you can listen to the “Ghost in the machine” audio feature where we report on a first hand account of a mother whose five year old was playing, as children do, when he said “The phone is ringing”, though the mother admitted she couldn’t hear it. She said, playing along “Are you going to answer it then?” Her son went and did so, the lady had headed into the kitchen to check on the dinner and called back to her boy
“So who is on the phone?”.
Her son replied “It’s grandma”
“What does she want?”
“She wants to talk to you, she wants to say goodbye”.
His mother took the phone and anxiously put it to her ear, but she heard nothing. I can only imagine what was going through her mind. She explained that her mother had died five years earlier, whilst she was pregnant. She had never told her son about grandma, as she felt he was too young to understand concepts like death. He had not even mentioned her name until that moment.

So perhaps there is a way for spirits to use the phone?

Telephone calls from the dead. 41bh4LAORRL

“Telephone calls from the dead” by Cal Cooper is worthy modern reading. The question of does this really happen was looked at in detail in 1979, in a book entitled Phone Calls from the Dead, written by D. Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless. Thirty years on, Cal Cooper takes up the mantle of research into the subject of anomalous telephone communication. New reports, experiences and accounts have been researched, new history has been considered, new findings are presented and alternative theories for how such events take place are discussed.


Keeping with the theme of the passed over speaking to us directly, without the middle person of a medium.
Let’s imagine for a moment that you are the dead person, that your body has died, but your conscious mind is aware and lives on. You are as they say an “energy field” you will want to tell people, especially the friends and family you have and prove to them you still exist! What would you do?

Firstly you wouldn’t have a voice box therefore you cannot speak. You have no limbs nor any means of moving things. Perhaps you could you reach the people you love and want to nudge by interference with devices that rely upon other energy fields, a light, a radio or tape recorder as good examples.

Personally would like to see the getting rid of the yes and no, one rap two raps in favour of Morse code!

What if you were able to generate some kind of sound on a tape recorder, would anyone even detect it, or pay attention if they did? Bringing us nicely to electromagnetic voice phenomena or EVP.

It was with Friedrich Jürgenson who lived from 1903 to 1987 that the studying of EVP began, Jürgenson was a man of many interests an archaeologist, a philosopher, a linguist, a painter, a singer and recording artist, and a film maker. Jürgenson’s interest in Electronic Voice Phenomena apparently began quite by accident when recording bird songs with a tape recorder for film sound effects, when he played his recording he could hear human voices on the tapes, even though there had been no one in the vicinity of when he did the recordings. This as you might guess naturally piqued his interest, and he turned his attention to making more recordings, recordings specifically made with no one around. Yet he continued to detect voices on these tapes, and his studies led to the 1964 publication of his book Rosterna fran Rymden in Europe, “Voices from Space”. It is said he began to recognize some of the voices that his tapes had picked up, he was knocked for six when his mother, deceased for a number of years, called him in her voice and began using her pet nickname for him!
It seemed natural to him to assume that she was communicating from beyond the grave. Thus, he came to the conclusion that all the voices that he had recorded were voices of the dead, In 1967, he published a new book: “Radio-link with the Dead”, a title I found under the original name “Sprechfunk mit Verstorbenen” available for around seven euros.

Dr Konstantin Raudive (1906-1974), a student of Carl Jung, a psychologist who taught at the University of Uppsala in Sweden, read Jürgenson’s book, “Voices from space”, and was so impressed by it that he arranged to meet Jürgenson. He then worked with Jürgenson to make some EVP recordings in controlled environments, but their first efforts bore very little although they believed that they could hear very weak voices. Raudive in later experiments was impressed by a personal message which he goes into great detail in his book “Breakthough” that encouraged him to spend the rest of his years researching and working with EVP.

EVP has moved forward, mainly with its accessibility to make recordings, thanks to developments in technology and electrical device manufacturing. Reel to reel to cassette to digital storage media, digital and tape based dictaphones are tools of the trade in the modern day ghost researchers tool kit. The general consensus to using them on an investigation is either leaving them recording in a room known to have activity, or by a conducted session where questions would be asked with around twenty seconds time given to receive an answer before the next question.

Bill oneill mark4 spiricom
A somewhat forgotten chapter in EVP is the Spiricom device which had five incarnations, Mk 1 – Mk 5 respectively each a major improvement over the other previous design. developed during the 60s ’til officially ending in 82.
Research for Spiricom came from the “Metascience Foundation”, formerly based in Franklin, North Carolina, on the development of a system of communication with the dead. Two inventors, George W. Meek and William J. O’Neil, supposedly developed a machine containing sophisticated audio electronics that allowed actual two-way conversation with the afterlife. They called it Spiricom. Unlike EVP, where an investigator has to wait and playback a recording to hear disembodied voices, the Spiricom device allowed real-time two-way communication (or “Direct Voice”) from beyond the grave. The project was officially defined as “An electromagnetic-etheric systems approach to communications with other levels of human consciousness”. The theory was, if a ghost could record itself to magnetic media such as video cassette or audio tape via manipulating electromagnetic frequencies, the entity could manipulate the electromagnetic fields produced by the Spiricom machine and create a synthetic voice over a speaker through the oscillator of the noise generator.Which in theory makes a sort of sense, but yielded varying results, though nothing conclusive, It is said proponents insist that the best reported contact was on April 16, 1980. Meeks and O’Neil claimed they were able to talk to a very clear voice of a deceased physicist, Dr. George Jeffries Mueller, who died on May 31, 1967 from a heart condition. Mueller claimed he was once an associate professor of engineering and mathematics at Orange Coast College, in Costa Mesa, California, and had also worked for a time with NASA. Mueller had existed and worked exactly where he claimed, which they went and found out afterwards. Mueller’s voice sounded like a robot, buzzing through hissing background noise. Over time, his appearances/voice became sporadic and eventually ceased thus research in Spiricom ended. It must be said that amateur investigators on the wiki site of the Spiricom device claim to have had success using the design.

There are dialogues and sound clips of conversations of the spiricom http://www.worlditc.org/k_06_spiricom.htm

So what are your thoughts on Electromagnetic Voice Phenomena?

Working in the podcast realm again

After some requesting of us to develop a new podcast or a radio like show covering more than just the unexplained but also the curious, compelling and concerning stories in the media which catch our eye for quite some time.
To be honest, it was like too many voices out there already and the messages getting lost in the audio conumdrum. Where is there room? Should there be another. There is plenty of podcasts and broadcasts out there. A number of quality productions, why be a new voice when you can strengthen ones already being heard. So It has been on a back burner as life took turns.
But further requests keep calling.

Even licensed music tracks from bands was offered to us for use.

So we’ve ran a couple of trial dry runs for set up. Studio in place, recording and internet VOIP connection all running well. Had some feedback from those who have heard the demos. Seems really good so far.

So why not. We as we said are looking to cover the spectrum of more than the unexplained that we presently cover, a social commentary of what we see of interest that deserves to be commentated, shared and known. TYT The Young Turks are a good example of what the aim is, but for a British audience.


A glimpse into the history of big cats in Britain.

Big cats in Britain

In the very first edition of Beyond the Line e-Magazine, cryptozoology has many and varied subjects within it, from the chupacabra to the domestic hamster. However in Britain, it seems, the Big Cats are the most well known of these enigmatic creatures. They’re not just the most well known, they’re also one of the most common mysteries encountered in Britain. So lets look through a brief history of Big Cat sightings and encounters in Britain. 

The first ever possible recorded sighting of mysterious big cats in Britain was in a book from the 1760s, entitled Rural Rides by the radical writer William Cobbett. In it he details seeing a cat “as big as a middle-sized Spaniel dog” climb into a hollow elm tree in the ruined Westerley abbey in Farnham near Surrey. Later he saw a “lucifee” (North American lynx) “and it seemed to me to be just such a cat as I had seen at Waverley.” Another old report was found by David Walker from The Times in 1827 of a “lynx” being seen, and the Big Cats in Britain have a report of a tiger being seen in Scotland in 1927!


Even further back there’s a medieval Welsh poem, called Pa Gwr in the Black Book of Carmarthen, which mentions a Cath Palug, meaning “Palug’s cat” or “clawing cat”, which roamed Anglesey until it was killed.


There is a quiet period for many years, up until the 1960-1970s when it became fashionable for people to keep imported big cats of all sizes and species as exotic pets. It is unsurprising then that a spate of sightings of big cats roaming the countryside happened during that time. Even more so when you consider the Act that was brought about in 1976 when authorities realized that unless looked after properly these still wild animals were a danger to those who kept them. The Dangerous Animals Act of 1976 required all owners of their pet big cats to have a licence, insurance and one certain space where the animal could be kept. Of course, a lot of people keeping these animals could not afford this nor bear to part from them or have them taken away, so rather than handing them over they instead released them into the wild. It’s believed by a lot of people that this is the main reason for the sightings in Britain then and now, as it is possible that these released animals could have established a breeding population. I happen to {mostly) disagree, but that’s for another big cat related article. 


The Nottingham Lion was first reported in 1976 by two milkmen in Tollerton, but despite a search by police and citizens for the animal, they could not find any evidence of it’s existence, despite the total of 65 reports they received.  

The reported Beast of Bodmin Moor is (or was) more than likely one of these creatures, as it appeared shortly after the Act was put in place. From 1983 onwards, there have been at least 60 recorded sightings of big cats in that area to the present day. This at the very least signifies that a large cat like creature was roaming that area for a long time. 


The Beast of Exmoor, first sighted roaming the moors in the 1970s (escaped or released pet by a distraught owner perhaps?). However this particular beast did not gain it’s fame until 1983, when a farmer claimed to have lost over 100 sheep in the space of three months, all with injuries to the throat. There have been sporadic reports since then, even three photographs of the beast, but no conclusive evidence has yet been found. 

The Surrey Puma of the 1960s has been joined by the Fen Tiger, the Beast of Ongar, the Pedmore Panther, the Beast of Gloucester, the Thing from the Ling, the Beast of Borehamwood, the Wrangaton Lion, the Beast of Shap, the Beast of Brentwood, the Lindsey Leopard, the Lincolnshire Lynx, the Wildcat of the Wolds, the Beast of Roslin, the Kilmacolm Big Cat, the Beast of Burford, the Chilterns Lion, the Beast of Castor, the Beast of Sydenham, the Shooters Hill Cheetah, the Beast of Bucks, the Plumstead Panther, the Beast of Bexley, the Beast of Barnet, the Nottingham Lion, the Durham Puma, the Horndon Panther, the Beast of Cricklewood, the Beast of Bont, the Beast of Gobowen and that’s not even all of them. 


Some reports

In 1993 an ocelot was tentatively identified living in Britain. 


In 2001 in May, a Lynx nicknamed “Lara” was captured in Cricklewood, North London. No zoos or circuses reported an animal missing during that time, so either it was an escaped, unregistered and unlicensed pet, it was a part of a relic lynx population (the European lynx lived in Britain up until 500 AD, when it apparently became extinct), or it was a part of a population of those cats established during the mass release of the 1970s. 


Many reports of big cats were made during the year of 2003, including sightings of lions. leopards and pumas. 

In 2004, the BBCS reported over 2123 sightings of big cats in Britain, that was published in the BBC Wildlife Magazine. A Warwickshire gamekeeper reported seeing a large black cat poaching his pheasants before taking off when it saw him that same year.


2006 a man was trimming his hedge when a large black cat emerged from it, studied the stunned fellow and strolled off. A woman also reported a large black cat bounding across the road in front of her when she was driving near Wakefield, West Yorkshire.


In 2007, reported by Big Cats in Britain, two people watched a big cat in their garden at High Hesleden.


July 2008, a big cat was filmed near a military base in Scotland, as reported by The Telegraph.


A tweet sent out by Norwich police this February calling for witnesses to a large cat prowling the city, which was picked up by the BBC.


There have been many reported sightings this year, many of course reported by the BCIB, including a couple who saw a very large cat in their garden near Haden Bridge hop the fence and walk away, a woman who saw a large cat near her home in Scotland chase some deer into a wood and a golden coloured cat running across the road from Hopwas Wood in Whittington. Fortean Times also reported two instances this year of people seeing lynxes-once with a cub! And this isn’t even the half of it, for this year alone.

Big Cats clearly have been reported in Britain for a while, since even before the craze of the 1960-1970s, and they’re definitely not going anywhere soon – judging by the constant flow of reports. You never know, if you keep an eye out, you might get lucky and have a sighting of your own.


See you on the other side,

Sylvia Wix